roof in the sky

Maintain the Integrity of Your Roofing System

At J.F. MARTINEZ, LLC, we strive to help property owners keep their commercial or residential roofs in good condition. This commitment motivates us to provide thorough workmanship and superior customer service for every project.

Services Offered

J.F. MARTINEZ, LLC offers comprehensive roofing solutions for commercial and residential properties. From new installations to repair projects, we are experienced in working on tile roofs, flat roofs, and other roofing types and materials.

Promoting the Merits of Metal Roofs

Because of its large interlocking panels, the durable materials for this roof type stay in place even under the most difficult weather conditions. This aspect makes metal roofs the best roofing system option in every region.

Weather any storm safely inside a property with a metal roofing system. This roof type has been proven to withstand winds of more than 140 mph, protect against impact damage from debris, resist wind uplifts, and more.

During recent post-hurricane inspections, it is evident that properties with metal roofs have fared better against harsh weather conditions than roofs covered by asphalt shingles. Learn more about how this roof type and the protection it offers today.

Common Tile Roof Issues We Repair

Most tile roofs have a life expectancy of up to 40 years. However, roofing problems typically become major concerns for property owners long after their builder's warranty expires. Prevent minor issues from becoming a future headache with our help.

With proper installation and maintenance work, roof valleys can last as long as the rest of the roofing system. They can even be reused for a replacement project. However, these roof junctures are a cause for concern when incorrectly installed.

Potential Problems
Rainwater can seep under the roofing material or stay in the roof underlayment because of the following reasons:

  • The roof valleys end on a tile instead of on the edge of a roof
  • The materials on roof valleys were installed improperly

Possible Solutions
Leaks from roof valleys can easily be prevented by getting leak flashing installed at the end of the junctures. Additionally, your roofing system's plywood base can be replaced if a leak occurs.

Water can enter the gap between roof tiles and go under them if roof valleys are not installed with an overlap of at least three inches. This occurrence will eventually rot out the underlayment and cause leaks.

Potential Solutions

  • If only a few rows of tiles are affected, we can remove the affected areas and repair the problem.
  • When tile stretching can be found throughout the roofing system, removing and replacing the entire roof is the only way to correct the problem.

Dead roof valleys are slopes with metal channels that divert water off your roof. However, improperly placed tiles can let the water go under the materials and cause leaks. Prevent these issues by having us repair or correctly install this roofing feature.

Leaks are a common concern if the AC unit's components are not properly sealed or installed. Additionally, roofing tar and sheet metal will separate overtime if your initial roofer did not consider the effects of your HVAC equipment on these materials.

We recommend that you have your roofing system checked out and touched up every five years to prevent this type of leak.

Even though roofing installation jobs are said to last up to 30 years, you might still find shingles missing or damaged. Both issues can be caused by improper installation work, low material or fastener quality, roof aging, and more.

We recommend that you get these problems fixed immediately to mitigate interior water damage, prevent hard-to-match shingle colors, and prepare for an eventual full shingle replacement.

Some Flat Roof Concerns We Address

This roof type is not completely flat. It has a pitch of less than 2/12 and requires a rolled roofing or foam installed. In addition, it should have a minor slope to prevent leaks. However, incorrect installation of this roofing system can cause concerning problems.

If a flat roof has an incorrect slope level, rainwater will go through it instead of sliding off it. This minor issue can become a much larger leak. That is why we offer to help maintain this roofing system to prevent leakages and similar problems.

Small obstructions and low slope levels can allow puddles of rainwater to gather on top of your flat roof. This backed-up water can seep through your roof and eventually break down your roofing materials.

Solutions Offered
Ponding causes should be fixed quickly before the manufacturer's warranty becomes void. At J.F. MARTINEZ, LLC, we offer comprehensive services to deal with this problem. Our solutions include:

  • Cricket System Construction
  • Over-Framing
  • Use of Anti-Ponding Materials

Start a Roofing Project With Us Today

Entrust your commercial and residential roofing service needs to our skilled experts. Get in touch with us for some of the finest roof installation and repair solutions in Miami, Florida. You can also contact us for a quick project estimate.